Notice of Meeting: Health Services Committee, December 10, 2019

***Revised Agenda - Session Added***

A meeting of The Regents Health Services Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, December 10, 2019, at the UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center as follows. Please note that all times indicated and the order of business are approximate and subject to change.

Click on the Committee meeting below to see the agendas and on each open session agenda item to view the background materials. The Regents will take an hour break at some point during the meeting.

Live video streaming is available during the open session meeting.

December 10, 2019

10:00 am

Health Services Committee (closed session)

Upon adjournment of closed session

Health Services Committee (open session- includes public comment session)

Upon adjournment of open session

Health Services Committee (closed session)

Health Services Committee (closed session)


Times indicated and order of business subject to change

Anne Shaw
Secretary and Chief of Staff to The Regents