Regents Policy 7303: Policy on Service Obligations and Leaves of Absence

Adopted July 23, 2021

This policy describes the service obligations of all employees of the University as well as leaves of absence.


  1. Service Obligations: No compensation shall be paid to any employee of the University unless actively engaged in the service of the University, in accordance with such regulations as the President may establish. No one in the service of the University shall devote to private purposes any portion of time due to the University nor shall any outside employment interfere with the performance of University duties. Arrangements for outside professional activities by any employee of the University shall be subject to such regulations as the Regents or President may establish.
  2. Leaves of Absence: The President is authorized to grant leaves of absence with or without pay, in accordance with Senior Management Group, academic personnel, and/or University personnel policies, as applicable. Any exceptions to policy for Senior Management Group members require approval by the Regents.
  3. Faculty and Other Academic Appointees: Academic appointees are subject to Academic Personnel Manual policies and/or University policies pertaining to leaves of absence, as applicable. Sabbatical leaves are granted in accordance with regulations established by the President and under principles affirmed in Regents Policy 2305.


By special action of the Regents, a Chancellor may be authorized to suspend the pay of a faculty member on involuntary leave pending a disciplinary action. The President has delegated authority for all other decisions regarding leaves of absence to the Chancellors, Laboratory Director, the Executive Vice President - Chief Operating Officer, and Vice President of Agriculture and Natural Resources at their respective locations.

By special action of the Regents, a Chancellor may be authorized to suspend the pay of a faculty member on involuntary leave pending a disciplinary action. 

The President has delegated to the Provost and Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs the authority to act for the President with respect to specific academic personnel matters including the granting of leave of absence.

Chancellors and the Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources are delegated authority to approve leaves of absence for academic appointees under their respective jurisdictions, subject to the provisions and time limitations established in Academic Personnel Manual policies and/University policies.

The President has delegated the authorities and responsibilities in this policy for non-academic employees to the Chancellors, Executive Vice President - Chief Operating Officer, Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources, Principal Officers of the Regents, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Director. The authorities granted in the policy may be redelegated except as otherwise indicated.


This policy is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the University of California or its Board of Regents, individual Regents, officers, employees, or agents.



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