Regents Policy 1500: Statement of Expectations of the President of the University

Approved March 17, 2011
Amended March 16, 2017

Guidelines for Discharge of Duties
The President of the University shall serve as the chief executive officer of the University of California, governing the institution through authority delegated by the Board of Regents. The President is expected to direct the management and administration of the University of California system consistent with the Bylaws and Regents Policy, administering the University in fulfillment of its educational, research, and public service missions in the best interests of the people of California. The President shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Regents subject to such compensation and conditions of employment as the Board shall determine.

Role of the President
The President shall serve as the academic leader of the institution, defining the vision for the University, and leading the system in developing and executing plans in support of that vision, consistent with the delegation of authority to the Academic Senate and the concept of shared governance.

The President shall serve as the chief executive officer, leading the administration of the University, recommending, supporting and evaluating the performance of chancellors, representing the campuses to the Regents, and establishing a structure to manage the University’s affairs.

The President shall serve as the primary external advocate, promoting the University’s interests and managing its reputation with external stakeholders.

The President shall serve as the guardian of the public trust, ensuring legal and ethical compliance, managing system risk, and providing information regarding University activities.

Management and Planning
The President is expected to keep the Board informed regarding significant aspects of the University; to consult and counsel the Board on important matters of governance and administration of the University; and to consult and counsel the Board with respect to policies, purposes and goals of the University. The President shall carry out the directives and policies of the Board of Regents. The President shall recommend to the Board the establishment and appointment of senior leadership positions, including the positions of chancellors and others directly responsible to the President.

The President shall promote the development and efficiency of the University of California. The President shall make recommendations for changes in organization, programs, assignments and procedures and, where required or appropriate, seek Board approval for those recommendations. The President shall ensure the quality of academic programs systemwide, striving to attain the highest quality of educational experience for University students.

Financial Resources
The President shall ensure that the University has adequate financial resources and that those resources are effectively managed to ensure the excellence of the University for future generations of Californians. The President shall present recommendations to the Board for both the capital and operating budget of the University. The President shall monitor and audit the expenditure of funds and shall ensure the University is a responsible steward of the public funds entrusted to the institution.

Consultation with the Faculty
The President is expected to consult with the Academic Senate, consistent with the principle of shared governance, on issues of significance to the general welfare and conduct of the faculty and on all matters under the jurisdiction of the Academic Senate pursuant to the Bylaws and Regents Policy.

The President is expected to promote diversity in the University community, consistent with applicable law and the public mission of the University to serve the interests of all Californians. The President is expected to establish a climate that welcomes, celebrates and promotes respect for all forms of diversity.  The President shall work to remove barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of talented students, faculty and staff from historically excluded populations who are currently underrepresented.

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