Regents Policy 1200: Policy on Alumni Regents-Designate
Approved June 15, 1984
Amended May 16, 1997, September 22, 2005, and March 16, 2017
The Alumni Associations of the University of California shall certify to the Secretary and Chief of Staff to the Regents names of persons scheduled to assume the offices of President and Vice President of the Alumni Associations of the University of California (AAUC) for the terms beginning July 1 of the following year. For the period July 1 to June 30 immediately preceding their scheduled terms as President and Vice President of the AAUC, the persons so certified shall be known as Regents-designate, be invited to attend all meetings of the Board and its committees, to be seated at the meeting table with full participation in discussion and debate, and be entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred by reason of attendance at meetings of the Board and its committees. During their service as alumni Regents-designate and Regent, these individuals shall be subject to the relevant provisions of the Bylaws, which stipulate that no Regent shall receive salary or other compensation for services as a Regent and that no Regent other than the President of the University shall be eligible for appointment to any position in connection with the University for which a salary or other compensation is pad, except that the student Regent shall be eligible for part-time compensated University employment.
The alumni Regents-designate will serve a one-year term as non-voting advisory members of committees of the Regents. Non-voting members shall not count toward the calculation of a quorum of a committee.