Regents Policy 3101: The University of California Student Tuition and Fee Policy*
Approved January 21,
Amended May 20, 2004, September 22, 2005, March 25, 2010, May 20, 2010, and November 18, 2010
A Student Tuition and Fee Policy affecting Tuition and the Student Services Fee is established with the following provisions.
A. Tuition
Tuition, (formerly referred to as the Educational Fee) is a Universitywide mandatory charge assessed against each resident and nonresident registered student. Tuition is assessed uniformly across all campuses of the University.
In addition to funding programs and services supported by Tuition (such as student financial aid and related programs, admissions, registration, administration, libraries, and operation and maintenance of plant), income generated by Tuition may be used for general support of the University's operating budget. Revenue from Tuition may be used to fund all costs related to instruction, including faculty salaries.
In recommending to the Board the annual Tuition level, the President shall take into consideration the following factors:
- The resources necessary to maintain access under the Master Plan, to sustain academic quality, and to achieve the University's overall mission;
- The full cost of attending the University, including the cost of housing, food, healthcare, books and supplies, transportation, and other academic and personal expenses;
- The amount of support available from various sources to assist needy students in funding the full cost of their education;
- Overall State General Fund support for the University; and
- The full cost of attendance at comparable public institutions.
The President annually shall solicit faculty and student views on the level of Tuition through the appropriate consultation processes.
B. The Student Services Fee
The University of California is committed to providing a supportive and enriched learning environment for all undergraduate, graduate and professional students. To facilitate this intent, all registered resident and nonresident students are assessed the Student Services Fee which is a Universitywide mandatory charge.
Income generated by the Student Services Fee (formerly referred to as the University Registration Fee) shall be used to support services and programs that directly benefit students and that are complementary to, but not a part of, the core instructional program. These services and programs include, but are not limited to, operating and capital expenses for services related to the physical and psychological health and well-being of students; social, recreational, and cultural activities and programs; services related to campus life and campus community; technology expenses directly related to the services; and career support. These services and programs create a supportive and enriched learning environment for University of California undergraduate, graduate and professional students.
Increases in the Student Services Fee should have a return-to-aid component that is the same percentage as the return-to-aid component of increases in Tuition.
Annually the President shall review the Student Services Fee and recommend to the Board the appropriate fee level after considering a variety of factors, including but not limited to: needs and priorities of undergraduate, graduate and professional students; inflation and other budgetary cost increases; creation of new programs or services; and overall budget priorities of the University.
At each campus, the Chancellor or his/her designee annually shall solicit and actively consider student recommendations, with the intent of honoring as much as possible student recommendations on the following: the use of Student Services Fee revenue; and the annual Student Services Fee to be set by the Regents. Student recommendations shall be provided by each campus' Student Fee Advisory Committee recognized by the systemwide Council on Student Fees.
Each campus will maintain a website that provides details on how the Student Services Fee has been allocated relative to the recommendation of the Student Fee Advisory Committee.
Each campus should refer to administrative guidelines issued by the President that provide additional guidance around the use of Student Services Fee revenue, Student Fee Advisory Committees, Student Services Fee reports, and student fee websites.
C. Notification to Students
To assist students and their parents in planning for future educational expenses, the President shall report annually to the Board the proposed fee levels for Tuition and the Student Services Fee for the next academic year.
*Nothing in this policy constitutes a contract, an offer of a contract, or a promise that any tuition or fees ultimately authorized by The Regents will be limited by any term or provision of this policy. The Regents expressly reserve the right and option, in its absolute discretion, to establish tuition or fees at any level it deems appropriate based on a full consideration of the circumstances, and nothing in this policy shall be a basis for any party to rely on tuition or fees of a specified level or based on a specified formula.