Location:Building 170, Room 1091
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Livermore, CA
Date:July 15, 1998Time:9:30 a.m.


Open Session

9:30 a.m. - Public Comment Period
This session is for the purpose of receiving comment pertaining University- and Laboratory related matters or items on the day's agenda. If you wish to address these matters you may sign up to do so at the meeting. You are encouraged to inform the Secretary of your intent in advance of the meeting by calling (510) 987-9220. The University of California subscribes to the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need reasonable accommodation, please contact the Secretary's Office by 10:00 a.m. on Friday, July 10.

In fairness to all who wish to address The Regents, each speaker must abide by the individual time limit allotted and announced at the convening of the session. At the end of the allotted time, each speaker will be asked to yield to the next one. The custom is to provide up to three minutes to each speaker. Three or more speakers may pool their time to provide up to seven minutes for a group representative. Depending on the number of those on the sign-up list, the amount of time per speaker may be reduced.

10:00 a.m.Laboratory Overview, C. Bruce Tarter, DirectorBuilding 170, Room 1091
10:35 a.m.*Nova, National Ignition Facility (NIF), and Laser Applications - E. Michael Campbell, Associate Director for LasersBuilding 391
11:35* a.m.Stockpile Stewardship, Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and International Security (Classified Presentation) - C. Bruce Tarter, Director; George H. Miller Associate Director for National SecurityBuilding 111, Station 140 A and B
Stockpile Stewardship, Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and International Security (Unclassified Presentation) - Michael R. Anastasio, Associate Director for Defense and Nuclear Technologies; Wayne H. Shotts, Associate Director for Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and International Security Building 111, California Room
12:15 p.m.*Lunch Break
1:15 p.m.*Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) Tour - David M. Cooper, Associate Director for ComputationsBuilding 113
2:15 p.m.*Operational Evaluations/New Contract - Robert W. Kuckuck, Deputy Director for OperationsBuilding 111
2:45 p.m.*University Collaborations - Claire E. Max, Director, University Relations ProgramBuilding 111
3:30 p.m.*Industrial Partnering - Jeffrey Wadsworth, Deputy Director for Science and Technology; Intel - Sheila Vaidja; Health Care Technologies - Strategies and Projects - J. Patrick Fitch, Dennis L. Matthews; Visalia Clean Up - Leland W. YounkerBuilding 111
4:45 p.m.*Humane Genome Project - Anthony V. Carrano, Associate Director for Biology and Biotechnology ResearchBuilding 111
5:15 p.m.*.Adjournment

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Last Updated July 9, 1998